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The '''Lécaronian Imperials Roads''' were a system of  
The '''Lécaronian Imperials Roads''' were a system of 24 roads laid out across the [[Lécaronian Empire]], serving as the backbone of the Empire’s transport and information system.
==Purpose and Layout==
Built on behest of emperors or local administrators, the roads were usually built on older routes or roads used by the local population for centuries (with the notable exception of the Niom Tárakin). Officially termed ''Caron-Nioma'' ‘roads of the empire’, they were maintained directly by the provincial governments, who ensured a constantly high quality of fabric, at least up until the [[Fall of Lécaron|last decades of the Empire]], but offered by far not the only travel routes, competing with numerous smaller roads and pathways maintained either by the local population or tread out through constant usage.

Imperial roads were consistently built in cobblestone between one-half and four [[Units of Measurement#Distance|Elôreni]] wide, with milestones every twelfth of an [[Units of Measurement#Distance|Olgish League]], marking an [[Units of Measurement#Distance|Olgish Hour]] (a distance of ~3.25km or 2.02 mi, twelve of which could on average be travelled in a single day).
==History and Road System==
===Initial Construction Phase===
The first ‘imperial’ roads were built by the third emperor, [[Eldebrin Ginetar|Eldebrin I]], between 92 and 135 L.R., mostly on existing road systems in the eight original provinces of Lécaron, [[Belkondíl]], [[Geran]], the [[Lécaronian Reknaya|Olgish Reknaya]], [[Ukkar (Lécaronian Province)|Ukkar]], [[Olgish Seligon]], [[Armundia]], [[Oshale (Lécaronian Province)|Oshale]], and the [[North-Western Colonies]]. Intended to strengthen the coherence of his empire, Eldebrin’s road system proved crucial to the success of the early emperors in consolidating their power over the young empire and was part of the origin for this epithet Ginetar ‘the constructor’.
====Niom I Alôr====
Along the old [[Cëlac Road]], from [[Gëlenem]] via [[Soskilón]] to [[Lágon]], following the course of the [[Cëlac]]. Later extended southward to [[Mor Nostim]] and [[Corbin (City)|Corbin]] and northward to incorporate the [[Black Road]] to [[Dermon]]. Named ''Niom Alôr'' ‘old road’ for its history, dating back to at least the early Bronze Age.
====Niom II Sidrin====
Splitting off the Niom Alôr at [[Tinnas]], leading eastward along the southern rim of the [[Edhennín]] and meeting the Niom Grálin at [[Iliston]]. Named ''Sidrin'' ‘wavy’ for its broadly meandering shape through the unsteady hills of southern [[Gërrun]].
====Niom III Aran====
From [[Eres]] by the [[Harking Hills]] north to [[Narn Aran]], there splitting into an eastern route, '''Aran Nelin''', crossing the [[Olgish Highlands]] to [[Soskilón]], and a northern route, '''Aran Turin''', to [[Talis]] and [[Belkison]]. Named ''Aran'' ‘crossroads’ for both its inclusion of the city of Narn Aran and the literal splitting of the route into two parts.
====Niom IV Grálin====
Splitting off the Niom Alôr in the [[Rouningwood]] south of the [[Jeskíl-Sröjk]], leading past the [[Rally Idle]] to [[Singrall]] and meeting the Niom Sidrin in Iliston. Named ''Grálin'' for its inclusion of Singrall (Olg. ''Senongrál'')
====Niom V Hajar====
From Belkison north past [[Darinsford]], [[Cas Dárin]], [[Ahtar]], [[Bernab]], and [[Unrír]] to [[Antarea]], notably excluding the [[Fords of Unrír]]. Named ''Hajar'' for its location in the [[Hajalad]] region of [[Geran]] (meaning ‘wealthy coast’ or ‘emminent coast’), partially teasing the local burghers by denominating it as ''hajar'' ‘more emminent’, implying pre-Lécaronian roads had been of low quality.
====Niom VI Bálin====
Eastward from Bernab, through the [[Gap of Hajalad]] at [[Invarydd]] and along the [[Five Ring Cities of Geran]] to [[Kalpattu]], with a short side branch south of [[Aeros]] connecting it to the Niom Alôr in Dermon. Named ''Niom Bálin'' ‘moon road’ for its crescent shape.
====Niom VII Dejnar====
Connecting Lágon and [[Mindeló]] via [[Lenkwele]], later amended with a second road southward from Lenkwele to [[Stratton]], [[Charlesford]], and [[Oldhill]]. Named ''Dejnar'' ‘golden’ for its route to Mindeló, a city renowned for its gold mines.
====Niom VIII Kámel====
A short and low-trafficable stretch of road connecting Dermon and Mindeló via the [[Pass of Wat]]. Named ''Kámel'' ‘waste’ for its traversing the mostly barren landscape above the [[Desert of Wat]].
====Niom IX Seligonin====
Connecting to [[Iilish people|Iilish]] roads in [[Amasia]], leading south from [[Iilmildarn]] via [[Ramsborough]], [[Mestingham]], [[Carrborough]] and [[Mt. Kalash]] to [[Urwín]]. Named ''Seligonin'' ‘Seligonian’ for its crossing the entirety of western [[Seligon]].
====Niom X Armundi====
From [[Serdon]] north via [[Spervingham]] and [[Mansborough]] to [[Akesh]], with sideward connections to [[Nikida]], [[Dannach]] and [[Lukoka]], [[Canheloc]], and [[Carandol]]. Named ''Armundi'' ‘Armundians’ for its location in the [[Armundic Valley]].
====Niom XI Ukkar====
From Akesh southwest to Carandol and Mestingham, overlapping with the Niom Seligonin for a short length before turning south to [[Earham]] and into [[Ochre’s Riding]], passing [[Cragston]] and [[Severn]] before reaching [[Riddam]] and [[Tinaris]] in [[Whitland]] and meeting the Niom Seligonin in Urwín. Named ''Ukkar'' for its crossing the ancient [[Ukkar|landscape of the same name]].
====Niom XII Adhíris====
Branching off the Niom Seligonin west of Mt. Kalash, via [[Vasron]], [[Ochresburgh]], and Cragston into the [[Dasmil Basin|Dasmil]], meeting the Niom Seligonin west of [[Peckburgh]]. Named ''Adhíris'' ‘weed’ for its route along the swamplands north of [[Lejanok]].
====Nioma XIII Olgi====
System of two parallel roads crossing the [[Belkondic Field]], one from [[Raven]] westward via [[Odestown]] to [[Parsan]] in Amasia, the other connecting [[Heston]] and Odestown, with an extension along an old [[Hyatti people|Hyatti]] road into the [[Mlisdin]]. Named ''Olgi'' for the region’s strong [[Olgish people|Olgish]] nationalist sentiment and connection with [[Belkondíl]].
====Niom XIV Dáronin====
Main road of the [[North-Western Colonies|Colonies]], from the northern end of the Niom Bálin in Kalpattu via [[Iallantu]] and [[Ipanea]], the [[Marsh of Adarind]], and [[Vanúri]] north into [[Arsaparin]], passing [[Beledoc]] and [[Ærind]] before descending into the [[Marsh of Arsaparin]] at [[Sund]], then via [[Eldarind]] to [[Dáron]]. Named ''Dáronin'' for its destination at the city of Dáron.
====Niom XV Ennad====
From [[Ennad]] eastward, intersecting the Niom Dáronin at Vanúri, to [[Obakan]], crossing the [[Belsemma]] at the [[Red Pass]], the south to [[Elendis]], [[Arantor]], and [[Edhen]], meeting the Niom Dáronin between Ipanea and Iallantu. Named for its point of origin.
====Niom XVI Kalpari====
From [[Nartu]] through Ennad north to [[Ilonia]]. Named for its location in ancient [[Kalparians|Kalparian]] territory.
====Niom XVII Oshale====
From Kalpattu eastward through the [[Kalpa|Kalpa Valley]], along the [[Five Fords of the Kalpa]], and north to [[Lemori]], meeting the Niom Ennad between Lemori and Arantor. Named for its location in the region of [[Oshale]].
====Nioma XVIII Assal====
A system of two intersecting roads, one from [[Éres]] to [[Dejnon]], the other from [[Cerr]] to [[Gælasimb]], overlapping between [[Hauron]] and Beledoc. Named for the x-shape of the [[Aribelian Alphabet|Aribelian letter]] ''Assal'' (/s/).
===Later Constructions===
As the Empire grew, later rulers would complement the old road system with newer routes, partially to connect newly added provinces to the heartland of the Empire, partially to improve accessibility of areas already under Lécaronian rule.
====Niom XIX Aula====
An umbrella term for all road constructions in [[Old Seligon]] after [[Lécaronian Conquest of Old Seligon|its conquest]] in 317 L.R., mostly following existing Iilish roads with little additional work required. From [[Lonskilón|Mebetgar/Loskilón]] northward along the [[Sevnail]], splitting north of [[Kirin]], with a short western route leading to [[Kurec]] and a longer eastern one through the [[Gap of Songilec]] into Amasia; sometimes, the road is considered to extend all the way through Amasia to Parsan, where it meets the Niom Olgi. Smaller side connections lead to [[Dria]], [[Bron]], and [[Panaris]]. Named ''Aula'' ‘waters’ after the Iiles’ traditional connection with the element water.
====Niom XX Gëlin====
From [[Tëlon]] eastward to [[Tansington]] and further into [[Northern Feldin|Northern Feldic]] territory, with several side routes reaching [[Fengsport]], [[Jonsport]], [[Allensburgh]], and [[Timburgh]]. Constructed in 402/403 L.R. under emperor [[Dírian III (Lécaron)]] along with the Niom Kôris on old Hyatti road systems to improve transport in the newly created province of [[Timburgh (Lécaronian Province)|Timburgh]]. Named ''Gëlin'' ‘by the shores’ for its location on the seaside of Timburgh, in contrast with the inland Niom Kôris.
====Niom XXI Kôris====
From Raven eastward, passing [[Helling]] and [[Eston]] and meeting the Niom Gëllin in Tansington. onstructed in 402/403 L.R. under emperor Dírian III along with the Niom Gëlin on old Hyatti road systems to improve transport in the newly created province of Timburgh. Named ''Kôris'' ‘wilderland, open land’ for its location on the inland side of Timburgh, in contrast with the seaside Niom Gëlin.
====Niom XXII Nostim====
Constructed 432 L.R. under governor [[William V (Lécaronian Reknaya)]] of the Olgish Reknaya to improve the link to the more remote areas of the western Reknaya and the [[Mountains of Mōrya]] on the northern side of the Reknayan main ridge, now laid claim to. Route from Dermon via [[Parka]] and [[Uri-Téris]] past the [[Oshal Falls]], crossing the mountains at the [[Pass of Katna]] and proceeding further east to [[Tur Nostim]], meeting [[Dārǫ Mōrya|Mōryan Celdic]] roads, and [[Casgan]]. Named ''Nostim'' ‘watcher’ for its primary purpose as a supply route for Lécaronian troops station along the [[Western Celsondach|Celdic]] border.
====Nioma XXIII Nelin====
System of three roads constructed 510‒514 L.R. under empress mother [[Désala]] to connect the far-flung [[Eastern Seligon (Lécaronian Province|Eastern Seligon]] to the rest of her empire. The first from Spervingham eastward, crossing the [[Gap of Urukash]] and further south along the western rim of [[Iliatar]] to [[Olksûr]], the second splitting off north of Iliatar, leading east to [[Sildín]], the third splitting off from the second and leading north into the [[Valley of Newessa]], reaching [[Ǧima Yawa]], [[Tomewa]], and [[Wida Dowa]]. Named ''Nioma Nelin'' ‘roads of the east’ for their crucial role in the eastward expansion of the empire.
====Niom XXIV Tárakin====
Constructed hastily after the [[Battle of the Weeping Plain]]s in 687 to faciliate troop movements into [[Atrissar]] during the [[Geranian War]]. Branching off the Niom Alôr at [[Fádá]] and crossing the [[Plain of Ortûlék]] westward before meeting the Niom Aran Turin at Talis. Named ''Niom Tárakin'' ‘road of war’ for its military purpose.

==Road System==
===Niom I Alôr===
Along the old [[Cëlac Road]], from Gëlenem via Soskilón to Lágon, following the course of the Cëlac. Later extended southward to Mor Nostim and Corbin and northward to incorporate the Black Road to Dermon. Named ''Niom Alôr'' ‘old road’ for its history, dating back to at least the early Bronze Age.
===Niom II Sidrin===
Splitting off the Niom Alôr at Tinnas, leading eastward along the southern rim of the Edhennín and meeting the Niom Grálin at Iliston. Named ''Sidrin'' ‘wavy’ for its broadly meandering shape through the unsteady hills of southern Gërrun.
===Niom III Aran===
From Eres by the Harking Hills north to Narn Aran, there splitting into an eastern route, '''Aran Nelin''', crossing the Olgish Highlands to Soskilón, and a northern route, '''Aran Turin''', to Talis and Belkison. Named ''Aran'' ‘crossroads’ for both its inclusion of the city of Narn Aran and the literal splitting of the route into two parts.
===Niom IV Grálin===
Splitting off the Niom Alôr in the Rouningwood south of the Jeskíl-Sröjk, leading past the Rally Idle to Singrall and meeting the Niom Sidrin in Iliston. Named ''Grálin'' for its inclusion of Singrall (Olg. ''Senongrál'')
===Niom V Hajar===
From Belkison north past Darinsford, Cas Dárin, Ahtar, Bernab, and Unrír to Antarea, notably excluding the Ford of Unrír. Named ''Hajar'' for its location in the Hajalad region of Geran, partially as a
[[Category:Lécaron]][[Category:Unfinished Articles]]

Latest revision as of 18:45, 8 July 2022

The Lécaronian Imperials Roads were a system of 24 roads laid out across the Lécaronian Empire, serving as the backbone of the Empire’s transport and information system.

Purpose and Layout

Built on behest of emperors or local administrators, the roads were usually built on older routes or roads used by the local population for centuries (with the notable exception of the Niom Tárakin). Officially termed Caron-Nioma ‘roads of the empire’, they were maintained directly by the provincial governments, who ensured a constantly high quality of fabric, at least up until the last decades of the Empire, but offered by far not the only travel routes, competing with numerous smaller roads and pathways maintained either by the local population or tread out through constant usage.

Imperial roads were consistently built in cobblestone between one-half and four Elôreni wide, with milestones every twelfth of an Olgish League, marking an Olgish Hour (a distance of ~3.25km or 2.02 mi, twelve of which could on average be travelled in a single day).

History and Road System

Initial Construction Phase

The first ‘imperial’ roads were built by the third emperor, Eldebrin I, between 92 and 135 L.R., mostly on existing road systems in the eight original provinces of Lécaron, Belkondíl, Geran, the Olgish Reknaya, Ukkar, Olgish Seligon, Armundia, Oshale, and the North-Western Colonies. Intended to strengthen the coherence of his empire, Eldebrin’s road system proved crucial to the success of the early emperors in consolidating their power over the young empire and was part of the origin for this epithet Ginetar ‘the constructor’.

Niom I Alôr

Along the old Cëlac Road, from Gëlenem via Soskilón to Lágon, following the course of the Cëlac. Later extended southward to Mor Nostim and Corbin and northward to incorporate the Black Road to Dermon. Named Niom Alôr ‘old road’ for its history, dating back to at least the early Bronze Age.

Niom II Sidrin

Splitting off the Niom Alôr at Tinnas, leading eastward along the southern rim of the Edhennín and meeting the Niom Grálin at Iliston. Named Sidrin ‘wavy’ for its broadly meandering shape through the unsteady hills of southern Gërrun.

Niom III Aran

From Eres by the Harking Hills north to Narn Aran, there splitting into an eastern route, Aran Nelin, crossing the Olgish Highlands to Soskilón, and a northern route, Aran Turin, to Talis and Belkison. Named Aran ‘crossroads’ for both its inclusion of the city of Narn Aran and the literal splitting of the route into two parts.

Niom IV Grálin

Splitting off the Niom Alôr in the Rouningwood south of the Jeskíl-Sröjk, leading past the Rally Idle to Singrall and meeting the Niom Sidrin in Iliston. Named Grálin for its inclusion of Singrall (Olg. Senongrál)

Niom V Hajar

From Belkison north past Darinsford, Cas Dárin, Ahtar, Bernab, and Unrír to Antarea, notably excluding the Fords of Unrír. Named Hajar for its location in the Hajalad region of Geran (meaning ‘wealthy coast’ or ‘emminent coast’), partially teasing the local burghers by denominating it as hajar ‘more emminent’, implying pre-Lécaronian roads had been of low quality.

Niom VI Bálin

Eastward from Bernab, through the Gap of Hajalad at Invarydd and along the Five Ring Cities of Geran to Kalpattu, with a short side branch south of Aeros connecting it to the Niom Alôr in Dermon. Named Niom Bálin ‘moon road’ for its crescent shape.

Niom VII Dejnar

Connecting Lágon and Mindeló via Lenkwele, later amended with a second road southward from Lenkwele to Stratton, Charlesford, and Oldhill. Named Dejnar ‘golden’ for its route to Mindeló, a city renowned for its gold mines.

Niom VIII Kámel

A short and low-trafficable stretch of road connecting Dermon and Mindeló via the Pass of Wat. Named Kámel ‘waste’ for its traversing the mostly barren landscape above the Desert of Wat.

Niom IX Seligonin

Connecting to Iilish roads in Amasia, leading south from Iilmildarn via Ramsborough, Mestingham, Carrborough and Mt. Kalash to Urwín. Named Seligonin ‘Seligonian’ for its crossing the entirety of western Seligon.

Niom X Armundi

From Serdon north via Spervingham and Mansborough to Akesh, with sideward connections to Nikida, Dannach and Lukoka, Canheloc, and Carandol. Named Armundi ‘Armundians’ for its location in the Armundic Valley.

Niom XI Ukkar

From Akesh southwest to Carandol and Mestingham, overlapping with the Niom Seligonin for a short length before turning south to Earham and into Ochre’s Riding, passing Cragston and Severn before reaching Riddam and Tinaris in Whitland and meeting the Niom Seligonin in Urwín. Named Ukkar for its crossing the ancient landscape of the same name.

Niom XII Adhíris

Branching off the Niom Seligonin west of Mt. Kalash, via Vasron, Ochresburgh, and Cragston into the Dasmil, meeting the Niom Seligonin west of Peckburgh. Named Adhíris ‘weed’ for its route along the swamplands north of Lejanok.

Nioma XIII Olgi

System of two parallel roads crossing the Belkondic Field, one from Raven westward via Odestown to Parsan in Amasia, the other connecting Heston and Odestown, with an extension along an old Hyatti road into the Mlisdin. Named Olgi for the region’s strong Olgish nationalist sentiment and connection with Belkondíl.

Niom XIV Dáronin

Main road of the Colonies, from the northern end of the Niom Bálin in Kalpattu via Iallantu and Ipanea, the Marsh of Adarind, and Vanúri north into Arsaparin, passing Beledoc and Ærind before descending into the Marsh of Arsaparin at Sund, then via Eldarind to Dáron. Named Dáronin for its destination at the city of Dáron.

Niom XV Ennad

From Ennad eastward, intersecting the Niom Dáronin at Vanúri, to Obakan, crossing the Belsemma at the Red Pass, the south to Elendis, Arantor, and Edhen, meeting the Niom Dáronin between Ipanea and Iallantu. Named for its point of origin.

Niom XVI Kalpari

From Nartu through Ennad north to Ilonia. Named for its location in ancient Kalparian territory.

Niom XVII Oshale

From Kalpattu eastward through the Kalpa Valley, along the Five Fords of the Kalpa, and north to Lemori, meeting the Niom Ennad between Lemori and Arantor. Named for its location in the region of Oshale.

Nioma XVIII Assal

A system of two intersecting roads, one from Éres to Dejnon, the other from Cerr to Gælasimb, overlapping between Hauron and Beledoc. Named for the x-shape of the Aribelian letter Assal (/s/).

Later Constructions

As the Empire grew, later rulers would complement the old road system with newer routes, partially to connect newly added provinces to the heartland of the Empire, partially to improve accessibility of areas already under Lécaronian rule.

Niom XIX Aula

An umbrella term for all road constructions in Old Seligon after its conquest in 317 L.R., mostly following existing Iilish roads with little additional work required. From Mebetgar/Loskilón northward along the Sevnail, splitting north of Kirin, with a short western route leading to Kurec and a longer eastern one through the Gap of Songilec into Amasia; sometimes, the road is considered to extend all the way through Amasia to Parsan, where it meets the Niom Olgi. Smaller side connections lead to Dria, Bron, and Panaris. Named Aula ‘waters’ after the Iiles’ traditional connection with the element water.

Niom XX Gëlin

From Tëlon eastward to Tansington and further into Northern Feldic territory, with several side routes reaching Fengsport, Jonsport, Allensburgh, and Timburgh. Constructed in 402/403 L.R. under emperor Dírian III (Lécaron) along with the Niom Kôris on old Hyatti road systems to improve transport in the newly created province of Timburgh. Named Gëlin ‘by the shores’ for its location on the seaside of Timburgh, in contrast with the inland Niom Kôris.

Niom XXI Kôris

From Raven eastward, passing Helling and Eston and meeting the Niom Gëllin in Tansington. onstructed in 402/403 L.R. under emperor Dírian III along with the Niom Gëlin on old Hyatti road systems to improve transport in the newly created province of Timburgh. Named Kôris ‘wilderland, open land’ for its location on the inland side of Timburgh, in contrast with the seaside Niom Gëlin.

Niom XXII Nostim

Constructed 432 L.R. under governor William V (Lécaronian Reknaya) of the Olgish Reknaya to improve the link to the more remote areas of the western Reknaya and the Mountains of Mōrya on the northern side of the Reknayan main ridge, now laid claim to. Route from Dermon via Parka and Uri-Téris past the Oshal Falls, crossing the mountains at the Pass of Katna and proceeding further east to Tur Nostim, meeting Mōryan Celdic roads, and Casgan. Named Nostim ‘watcher’ for its primary purpose as a supply route for Lécaronian troops station along the Celdic border.

Nioma XXIII Nelin

System of three roads constructed 510‒514 L.R. under empress mother Désala to connect the far-flung Eastern Seligon to the rest of her empire. The first from Spervingham eastward, crossing the Gap of Urukash and further south along the western rim of Iliatar to Olksûr, the second splitting off north of Iliatar, leading east to Sildín, the third splitting off from the second and leading north into the Valley of Newessa, reaching Ǧima Yawa, Tomewa, and Wida Dowa. Named Nioma Nelin ‘roads of the east’ for their crucial role in the eastward expansion of the empire.

Niom XXIV Tárakin

Constructed hastily after the Battle of the Weeping Plains in 687 to faciliate troop movements into Atrissar during the Geranian War. Branching off the Niom Alôr at Fádá and crossing the Plain of Ortûlék westward before meeting the Niom Aran Turin at Talis. Named Niom Tárakin ‘road of war’ for its military purpose.