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Whichever the demography of eastern Geran, it is subjected to a major shift around 1600 B.E.B., when a second group of people descend from the mountains into the plains of Geran. The Kattasians have migrated westward from their territories south of the Desert of Wat. They speak a Besokian language and are unfamiliar with cattle herding and horse riding, but skilled metalworkers and agriculturalists, and their arrival in Geran will prove consequential for both of its older population groups.
Whichever the demography of eastern Geran, it is subjected to a major shift around 1600 B.E.B., when a second group of people descend from the mountains into the plains of Geran. The Kattasians have migrated westward from their territories south of the Desert of Wat. They speak a Besokian language and are unfamiliar with cattle herding and horse riding, but skilled metalworkers and agriculturalists, and their arrival in Geran will prove consequential for both of its older population groups.

The Geranians are affected more directly. Their early contact with the Kattasians is hostile, involving their displacement from the plains and forced migration into the Nukna Highlands and to the coast that will once become the Hajalad. Yamenna is taken and becomes a Kattasian stronghold. With this change in location comes a change in lifestyle, away from their previous steppe herding in the open land and towards the small mountain farms they will be known for in the following centuries. Their herds shrink, for some, goats replace cattle, other are drawn down to the sea and begin a life as fisherman and merchants: They are the ancestors of Kalparians and Norians. For the Aribelians, the change is more subtle, but nonetheless of great consequences. It is here and now, under the influence of the curious Kattasians, that they discover the merits of science and written knowledge and, surpassing even their role models, discard their pantheon and favour of reason. The first step towards the great academies of Aribel, but also religious suppression and nationalist disdain that will come to dominate the Aribelian reputation many centuries later, is done.
The Geranians are affected more directly. Their early contact with the Kattasians is hostile, involving their displacement from the plains and forced migration into the Nukna Highlands and to the coast that will once become the Hajalad. Yamenna is taken and becomes a Kattasian stronghold. With this change in location comes a change in lifestyle, away from their previous steppe herding in the open land and towards the small mountain farms they will be known for in the following centuries. Their herds shrink, for some, goats replace cattle, other are drawn down to the sea and begin a life as fishermen and merchants: They are the ancestors of Kalparians and Norians. For the Aribelians, the change is more subtle, but nonetheless of great consequences. It is here and now, under the influence of the curious Kattasians, that they discover the merits of science and written knowledge and, surpassing even their role models, discard their pantheon in favour of reason. The first step towards the great academies of Aribel, but also religious suppression and nationalist disdain that will come to dominate the Aribelian reputation many centuries later, is done.
===The Wars of the Steppes===
===The Wars of the Steppes===
In the early 13th century B.E.B., around the same time as the Nathári invasions upset southern Belkondíl, the ever-pushing Olgs embark on their next campaign of conquest. Under Dárin Ironaxe, they first occupy the southern Hajalad, where Darinsford and Cas Dárin still bear the conquerer’s name, and then attack the Aribelians, quickly gaining a foothold along the upper Ilathw. They will once be called the Wertians, the northernmost of the Olgish peoples.
In the early 13th century B.E.B., around the same time as the Nathári invasions upset southern Belkondíl, the ever-pushing Olgs embark on their next campaign of conquest. Under Dárin Ironaxe, they first occupy the southern Hajalad, where Darinsford and Cas Dárin still bear the conquerer’s name, and then attack the Aribelians, quickly gaining a foothold along the upper Ilathw. They will once be called the Wertians, the northernmost of the Olgish peoples.
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With their homeland taken, the Aribelians have no choice but to flee north into the sphere of influence of the Yamenaens, as the Kattasians of Geran are now known. Negotiations quickly erupt in violence and develop into the First War of the Steppes. The Aribelian minority seems lost beyond hope, but the Yamenaens are scattered, both geographically and politically, across the plain and the Aribelians desperate and united in their need for land. It is a short and bloody conflict that will end with the subduction of the Yamenaens and the foundation of the first unified Aribelian state, the Kingdom of Aeros. The Yamenaens are left with only a small strip of land reaching from Yamenna to the sea. This early Kingdom of Yamenna will fall less than a century later, in the Second War of the Steppes, which sees Aeros expand its territory and assert its dominance over the region against the land-hungry Wertians.
With their homeland taken, the Aribelians have no choice but to flee north into the sphere of influence of the Yamenaens, as the Kattasians of Geran are now known. Negotiations quickly erupt in violence and develop into the First War of the Steppes. The Aribelian minority seems lost beyond hope, but the Yamenaens are scattered, both geographically and politically, across the plain and the Aribelians desperate and united in their need for land. It is a short and bloody conflict that will end with the subduction of the Yamenaens and the foundation of the first unified Aribelian state, the Kingdom of Aeros. The Yamenaens are left with only a small strip of land reaching from Yamenna to the sea. This early Kingdom of Yamenna will fall less than a century later, in the Second War of the Steppes, which sees Aeros expand its territory and assert its dominance over the region against the land-hungry Wertians.

But the nobility of Aeros is already divided over the question of Yamenaen religion, many calling for the destruction of the great Temple of Yamenna and the expulsion of the Kattasian clergy, others cautioning not to upset the Yamenaen populace. Only a few years later, Krošcan, high priestess of Yamenna, only narrowly survives an attempt on her life. Fleeing the city, she seeks refuge in the Nukna and rallies around her all loyal Kattasian chiefs, plotting an uprising against the Aribelians. The Third War of the Steppes is as devastating to the Aribelians as the first was to the Yamenaens, seeing the fall of the city of Aeros within three years. The Aribelians flee north into the land then known as Oshale, which will soon become their permanent home, leaving the history of Geran, others remain and receive mercy at the hands of the Yamenaens. Victorious and now united, they retake their holy city and restore the Kingdom of Yamenna, now spanning all of the Geranian Heath.
But the nobility of Aeros is already divided over the question of Yamenaen religion, many calling for the destruction of the great Temple of Yamenna and the expulsion of the Kattasian clergy, others cautioning not to upset the Yamenaen populace. Only a few years later, Krošcan, high priestess of Yamenna, narrowly survives an attempt on her life. Fleeing the city, she seeks refuge in the Nukna and rallies around her all loyal Kattasian chiefs, plotting an uprising against the Aribelians. The Third War of the Steppes is as devastating to the Aribelians as the first was to the Yamenaens, seeing the fall of the city of Aeros within three years. Some of the Aribelians flee north into the land then known as Oshale, which will soon become their permanent home, leaving the history of Geran, others remain and receive mercy at the hands of the Yamenaens. Victorious and united, they retake their holy city and restore the Kingdom of Yamenna, now spanning all of the Geranian Heath.
===Yamenaen Missions and Colonization of the Oshale===
With the Yamenaen victory in the Third War of the Steppes begins the heyday of the Kingdom of Yamenna. In the 1140s B.E.B., the first Yamenaen priests are sent west to missionize the Kalparians and Hayans, then dwelling in a large area stretching from Bernab to the Arsapárian Marsh. From 1082,

Between 1082 and 658 B.E.B.,

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