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Its position between the longitudes of 38° and 60° north allows for the mostly temperate climate in Elondor. The southwestern corner of the continent, the southern coast of Seligon, experiences the warmest climate with mild winters and dry summers, propagated by the warm water carried north by the eastern half of the [[Timesthian Current]]. Its warmest sub-region is the plain of [[Iliatar]], which experiences hot subtropical and in exceptional years even tropical climate. As one travels west towards the Runian coast, temperatures steadily drop, still fairly warm in Old Seligon and moderate in eastern Belkondíl, but cold and harsh along the western shores of Belkondíl and Geran, and similarly on the Avalian coast of Nelkon. Aribel and Celsond cap the lower end of temperatures, with cold moderate and subpolar climate, and near-polar conditions in the north of the Randal.
Its position between the longitudes of 38° and 60° north allows for the mostly temperate climate in Elondor. The southwestern corner of the continent, the southern coast of Seligon, experiences the warmest climate with mild winters and dry summers, propagated by the warm water carried north by the eastern half of the [[Timesthian Current]]. Its warmest sub-region is the plain of [[Iliatar]], which experiences hot subtropical and in exceptional years even tropical climate. As one travels west towards the Runian coast, temperatures steadily drop, still fairly warm in Old Seligon and moderate in eastern Belkondíl, but cold and harsh along the western shores of Belkondíl and Geran, and similarly on the Avalian coast of Nelkon. Aribel and Celsond cap the lower end of temperatures, with cold moderate and subpolar climate, and near-polar conditions in the north of the Randal.
''→ See also: [[History Outline|History Outline]]''
Human populations [[Peopling of Elondor|have settled Elondor]] in two main waves before the last Ice Age, the first group, ancestral to the Ortûlékians, the Besokians, the Volsians, the Avalians, and the Seligonians, entering the continent from the the west via Tár-Noldorin and Belkondíl, and the second group, ancestral to the Iliatarians, the Lerewe, and the Eskarians, venturing north from Nokim as colonists of the Neolithic Nokimi Dominion and settling the southern shores of Seligon.
===Prehistory and early empires===
Societies are isolated during the [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Last_Glacial_Maximum Last Glacial Maximum], separating the population of Elondor into the first six of its seven ethnolinguistic groups, the Ortûlékians remaining in northern Belkondíl and the Mountains of Lágon, who develop the first light hair, the Besokians and Yenmians, settling in the Besokan Valley, the Volsians and Avalians, seeking refuge in Amasia and developing the [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Epicanthic_fold epicanthic fold], and the Seligonians, living in the Armundic Valley and the fertile plains of central Seligon. When humans reconquer the continent after the end of the last Ice Age, populations begin to spread. Farming emerges around 8000 B.E.B. in the Besokan Valley and rapidly spreads to neighbouring societies, reaching Celsond and southern Seligon around 6000 B.E.B. The first cattle is domesticated presumably around 6500 B.E.B. in the Plain of Ortûlék, with first attempts at metalworking following around three millennia later.
The first ancient kingdom of Elondor rises in 3642 B.E.B., when according to Dasmilian legend the holy city of Abreshahar is founded. Not long after, major territorial states are tangible in all regions of Elondor. The Nokimi Empire of the southern continent begins to spread north along the Horn of Nokim and colonize the eastern part of Seligon, establishing the seventh and last ethnolinguistic group of Elondor. Seligon will remain a cradle of civilization for the coming millennia, with Abreshahar and later the Armundians, the Ruldôrians, and the Hakessian states, most notably the Fenedic Empire, which reigns supreme in western Seligon from its foundation in 534 B.E.B. until its fall in 618 E.B.
===The rise of the Olgs===
At this point, most of Seligon, and indeed large parts of Elondor, have fallen under the dominion of the Olgs. They hail from the west, the hills and moors of Belkondíl. A sub-group of the Ortûlékian, the Olgs are among the first to experiment in metallurgy and the first to permanently domesticate cattle and keep herds. Toward the end of the 3rd millennium B.E.B., the initially peaceful farming people comes in contact with the kingdoms of the war-like Western Soskish rider culture and not only adopts many of their ways but eventually gains supremacy over the Soskish population and their admired and feared cavalry. The following centuries are witness to the rapid expansion of the Olgish-Soskish cultural horizon, first conquering all of Belkondíl and expelling the native Auls, Aribelians, and Noldorinians, later expanding into Geran and the western Reknaya. A halt to their conquests is only made in 286 B.E.B., when the young Iilish Empire, hungry for lands and resources, ventures west and the native Olgish countryside in eastern Belkondíl itself becomes occupied.
At this point, no single Olgish nation exists, Olgish identity not more than a faint spectre haunting the history of many states, and the Iilish retain their tight grip on Belkondíl until the end of the Bronze Age. Only then, a young Olgish prince from an ancient noble house succeeds in uniting all of Belkondíl and retaking the lands of Olgs and Sosks and is subsequently installed as the first king of Belkondíl in known history. But not all of his now-devoted subjects have joined the battle on the Olgish side, and as the Iiles are banished from Belkondíl, so are the twelve Olgish princes who have taken their side against Olgish unification. With a train of thousands and no lands to feed them, they turn east to their former ally, the Iilish emperor. Unwilling to give up the lands of his own people, he settles them on his Seligonian borders in Iilmildarn as a buffer against the Dasmilians and the Hakessian charioteers. It is here again that the Olgs prove their stubborn and unpredictable nature, and instead of defending Iilish borders, they have soon made peace with the Dasmilians and, in joint effort, succeed to subdue the westernmost of the Hakessian kingdoms. On its ruins, they create the first Olgish foundation in Seligon, the Olgish Kingdom of Great Ukkar, which will for centuries be the greatest foe of the already-powerful Fenedic Empire.
===The Olgish Expansion complete and the foundation of Lécaron===
With the fall of the Fenedic Empire against the Olgish invaders after nearly six centuries of hostilities in 618 E.B., western Seligon falls firmly into Olgish hands. A similar fate has already befallen, or will soon befall, many other parts of Elondor. Geran, afore the home to Geranian mariners and mountain herders like the Kalparians and the great steppe Kingdom of Yamenna, has long been overrun by the Wertians, who have established their own kingdoms. The Kattasi kingdoms of the Reknaya have fallen into Olgish hands, and the Great Aribelian Wars of the 12th and 13th century E.B. will result in the foundation of Olgish colonies in the former kingdoms of Arsapárin and Narisekkin. In eastern Seligon, the Hakessians and the Lerewe are conquered, so are the Hyatti of Nelkon and the islands of Seligon. By the turn of the 14th century E.B., Olgish influence extends to most of Elondor. It is then that Beldárin, King of Belkondíl proposes to all Olgish kings of Elondor his protection in exchange for their homage and is crowned Emperor of Lécaron Térmennin, the ‘Great Empire of all the Olgish Faith’.
===Lécaronian Rule and fall of the empire===

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