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(Created page with "'''Minnis''' (presumably from Archaic Aribelian ''Minnith'' 'rocky, mountainous') is a town in the southeast of the Heath of Geran")
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'''Minnis''' (presumably from Archaic Aribelian ''Minnith'' 'rocky, mountainous') is a town in the southeast of the Heath of Geran
'''Minnis''' (presumably from [[Archaic Aribelian]] ''Minnith'' 'rocky, mountainous') is a trading post in the southeast of the [[Heath of Geran]] and one of the five ancient [[Ring Cities of Geran]], beside [[Däirnis]], [[Nís]], [[Äiros]], and [[Yamenna]]. Founded by either the [[Geranian people|Geranians]] or the [[Aribelian people|Aribelians]] in the Mid-Bronze Age, it was a major cult site of the [[Kingdom of Äiros|early Aribelian culture]], witnessed by a large complex of temples and stone circles in the nearby '''Forest of Minnis''' and capital of the [[Kingdom of Äiros]] from 1223 B.E.B. until the [[Third War of the Steppes#Sacking of Minnis|Sacking of Minnis]] during the [[Third War of the Steppes]] in 1171. Almost falling into oblivion under [[Kingdom of Yamenna|Yamenaen rule]], it regained its importance after the [[Wertian Conquest of Geran|Wertian conquest]], becoming and important waystation along the road to Yamenna and [[Dermon]].