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The Olgs of the mountains are not unlike those of Belkondíl, but many have traded cattle for pickaxe, and their steel is renowned far beyond their borders. So are their superstitions, and their choral music. Seligon, much like colonies, is a place of great diversity, and no true ‘Seligonian Olgish’ group exists. Most identify merely as Olgs, or as Creoles if they descend from both Olgish and Seligonian ancestors, as is the case for most. They are closest to the Sosks of all Olgish groups, adopting their language long before mandated by the Empire. Known for their high arts and culture (a borrowing from the Seligonians), they wield great social respect in the later days of the Empire.
The Olgs of the mountains are not unlike those of Belkondíl, but many have traded cattle for pickaxe, and their steel is renowned far beyond their borders. So are their superstitions, and their choral music. Seligon, much like colonies, is a place of great diversity, and no true ‘Seligonian Olgish’ group exists. Most identify merely as Olgs, or as Creoles if they descend from both Olgish and Seligonian ancestors, as is the case for most. They are closest to the Sosks of all Olgish groups, adopting their language long before mandated by the Empire. Known for their high arts and culture (a borrowing from the Seligonians), they wield great social respect in the later days of the Empire.
The Aribelians are, to most, among the more enigmatic nations. Descended from the Genians, they settled in the northwestern corner of Elondor, now named after them, and decided to dedicate their identity to the pursuit of knowledge and reason. Discarding they gods and founding the great academy of Berán, they became known as curious and wise, great scientists, merchants, and particularly philosophers, self-centred chauvinists, elitists and unrepentant racists. With all their curiosity, they are said to have little respect for things they do not understand, and they are naturally contentious even about those they do understand.
Their state goes through multiple incarnations from kingdom to republic back to kingdom, and so forth, before their critical engagement against the Olgs in the Aribelian Wars, after which most of their lands are lost and turned into the colonies. Their society is stratified into the working and the academic classes, although a certain social mobility is given. Gender roles are strict, expecting philosophy and physical work from men and poetry and music from women; disconformity is met with scorn (which did not stop certain historical figures such as Márir the Younger from attaining fame).
Aribelians are known to dress in long light-coloured robes; blond hair is particularly common among them. The higher classes in Aribel speak High Aribelian, while the lower classes as well as most merchants use a more progressive variant of the Aribelian language, Vulgar Aribelian.
===Celdic Tribes===
===Celdic Tribes===